
Thursday, May 25, 2017

How I Eliminated (Almost) All Grading Problems In My Classroom

In our jobs, we hear the words "assessment", "measurable", and "data" are heard at least one-thousand times daily. In this short article, teacher Terry Heick outlines what he has done over the years to make assessment more "ubiquitous and always-on." It's more the quality than the quantity that he finds is the best approach, and he also believes in finding ways to publish / promote students work to increase the audience in the feedback loop. He begins to address grading policy a bit and believes in grabbing different tools to assess. Mostly, I appreciate that the intent of the article is to reduce the amount of busy work for teachers "because it takes time and mental energy–both finite resources" and gives "students substantive reasons to do their best work, correct themselves, and create higher stands for quality than your rubric outlined."

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