
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Shout Out - Amie Newberry

Amie Newberry has been an aide at Travis Ranch for almost 3 years now. She's working to earn her credential and earning student teaching credits under the supervision of Suzanne Borgese. As an instructional aide, Amie is highly skilled making connections with students quickly through consistent positive encouragement.

She's always willing to jump in head first and do what is asked of her. We've thrown her a thousand curve balls since she started and she has handled each and every "pitch" with poise, patience, and professionalism! Yes...she's a triple-threat Trailblazer!

We ALL want to thank you for serving our students, staff, and community with dedication and compassion!


  1. Absolutely! I don't know what I would do without Aimee this year. She is so fantastic!

  2. She is amazing!! Love her smile and determination!!


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