
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Nuts/Bolts - Week of 4/17/17

- RISE Cards - Give 6 Daily! - Focus on students who are respectful, on-task, with specific verbal praise for WHY they are receiving the card. 
Supervision Team B - Please be on time to duty & write it into sub-plans
Admin Referral - Please see the updated flowchart
MTSS - Document interventions in this shared space
- ZAP Continued: Dana has agreed to continue to run ZAP at both lunches. It may only run 2-3 days a week...stay tuned! 
- No Block Grant $ Next Year? Consider Saturday School! - Organizing a Saturday School will not only earn you an extra paycheck, but also $$ for your classroom. The $$ recouped will come back at a rate of $10/student as a materials/supplies budget. Get 25 students here for an activity, review, writing assistance, etc. = $250. Even better, get your department on board for just 1 Saturday and have $1,000 (or more) as extra department funds! See Mike for details. 
Monday, April 17 - Welcome Back! 
Tuesday, April 18 - NJHS Induction Ceremony 9-10am, Gym
Wednesday, April 19 - Homeroom Schedule; PLC = Vertical OR Horizontal Teams TBD
Thursday, April 20 - 8th Grade Assembly - Guest Speaker Details TBD; Fire Drill 6th Period
Friday, April 21 - Rainbow Dress-Up; JUMP Club @ Cypress College

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