
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Nuts/Bolts - Week of 4/24/17

- RISE Cards - Give 6 Daily! - Specific verbal praise for WHY they are receiving the card. 
Supervision Team A - Please be on time to duty & write it into sub-plans
Admin Referral - Please see the updated flowchart
MTSS - Document interventions in this shared space
- ZAP Continued: Dana will run ZAP Tuesday-Thursday, New Slips will be delivered Monday as we're finalizing locations. 

Support WE & Jump Clubs' Baby Shower Drive 
Monday, April 24 - 8th Coffee House Poetry in Riley, Period 2-5! Check it out! 
Tuesday, April 25 - Inside-Out / Backwards Day
Wednesday, April 26 - Homeroom Schedule; PLC = Structured PD; WE Club Members @ 
                                    WE Day
Thursday, April 27 - WE Club Members @ WE Day
Friday, April 28 - TRTV Schedule; MS Dance; PTA Talent Show 6:30-8:30pm

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