
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Shout Out! - Rick Perske + Tracy Bunce

Rick has been at our school since before I arrived. He's one of our noon supervisors. I appreciate his reliability and ability to connect well with kids. He consistently takes the lead and goes where he is needed most. We are grateful that Rick has been able to cover for Lisa Gilles when she's been absent, and want to recognize him for his positive contributions to our school and community. 

Tracy Bunce is our cafeteria lead. She works diligently to ensure all students are fed daily and projects lunch counts to avoid wasting food; planning around special events like a pro. This year, she has taken on the new responsibility of prepping food on site. She has handled this along with all our funky schedules with grace and patience. I also appreciate her coming in each time we have had a Saturday School. She's a fantastic teammate and we want to recognize her dedication to our campus and students! 

1 comment:

  1. Yea Tracy....Well deserved..You are always so patient and kind with the kiddos at TR>


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