
Friday, December 9, 2016

Nuts/Bolts - Week of 12/12/16

- Thanks for continuing to support:
       - JUMP Club's "Toys for Tots" Drive
       - WE Club's "Blanket & Sock" Drive
- Give 6 - RISE Cards Daily! (Please store RISE Cards in a safe place in your room)
- CICO & Dojo Points - If a student does NOT earn points, consider writing a message to 
  explain what could be improved on so parents are kept informed. 

12/12 - Management Monday Schedule
12/13 - Winter Choir Concert 7-8pm
12/14 - Marching Band @ Disney, PLC - District Initiative, Room 36
12/15 - WEB Leaders meet with 6th Graders
12/16 - TRTV Schedule
          - Staff Holiday Breakfast, 7:45-8:45am; Performances by Encore & Jazz Band
          - Turn off all computers, printers, etc. for the break
          - Staff Holiday Party 6pm @ the Hellwigs - FLYER


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