
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Nuts/Bolts - Week of 11/14/16

RISE Cards - Give 6 Daily! 
ZAP Cards - New ZAP Cards should be in your mailbox. ZAP Sign-Up (Bookmark it!)
    - Use this quick intervention to get completed work back quick! 
CICO - We'll be using Class Dojo to record points for kids this year. It's available online or through a     phone app. Training at this week's staff meeting PLC. 
TRMS Commitments - We appreciate you all committing to making sure:

  • You arrive at your supervision duty on time
  • Students watch TRTV morning announcements every day free from distraction
  • You deliver the homeroom curriculum with fidelity

11/14 - Homeroom Schedule; Management Monday Lesson 11/14
11/15 - 
11/16 - Neon Dress-Up Day; PLC Staff Meeting, Room 36
11/17 - WEB Leaders meet with 6th Graders
11/18 - TRTV Schedule

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