
Friday, October 7, 2016

Nuts/Bolts - Week of 10/10/16

GOALS / OBJECTIVES DUE SOON! - Email your primary evaluator a copy for review ASAP - Evaluators will be in/out completing 1st informals in the coming weeks.
Give 6 RISE Cards Daily - Don't forget to circle the behavior you're recognizing! 
Tardy Policy (see below)
Visit colleagues, get inspired! - Amazing lessons happen daily, check out our signature programs and fantastic staff. A 5-10min visit will be worth your time! Mike's happy to cover your class if you're interested. 
Academic / Behavioral Interventions - If/when students struggle, utilize a menu of strategies to get them back on track. Communicate openly with parents and other staff.
Monday 10/10 - TRTV Schedule; Second Step Lessons (25min)
Tuesday 10/11 -
Wednesday 10/12 - Vertical PLC (complete Goals / Objectives)
Thursday 10/13 -
Friday 10/14 - 5pm: Oktoberfest @ Sandi's House - Mike’s famous brew. Enjoy Brats, music, and so much more! 110 S. Woodrose Ct. Anaheim Hills; RSVP by Oct. 12 and BYOB

There have been some questions about our Tardy Policy lately. Once a student reaches Tardy 5 in your class, you can submit an admin referral:

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