
Monday, September 5, 2016

Nuts & Bolts - Week of 9/5/16

This week: Supervision Team B

9/7 - PLC: Vertical Teams

- RISE Cards: Every staff member should have received a healthy stack of these on Thursday. GIVE 6 DAILY (1 per period). When you reward a student with one, circle the letter for the behavior they demonstrated, and write their name on it. Please keep these secured in your desk along with hall passes, library passes, etc. 1st TRTV drawing 9/16. RISE Store Opening Date TBD.

- 1st Period Student Planner Check = Thursday 9/8; Students without TR planners will be given a cardstock version of this year's "PRIDE Card". 

- Electronic Admin Referral (Bookmark this link)

How to Reserve a Chromebook Cart
Troubleshooting 101

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