
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Shout Out! - Shirleen St. Clair

Once again, Shirleen has demonstrated her ongoing commitment to our school and community. Here's an excerpt from a letter she recently received notifying her of receiving a $1k grant she had written for her students:
"While our funding was limited, we may not have been able to grant you the full amount requested. You have creatively demonstrated that these projects will effectively help students master the basic literacy skills needed to be successful. In the next couple of weeks, a letter along with a check from the California Community Foundation/Reading is The way up fund will be mailed directly to your school."
Fantastic work Shirleen! Did I mention that she started a sign-language club, leads Shayda's Girl Scout troop, carts her to and from Encore events, and is genuinely innovating in the field of teaching her students how to communicate using technology!?