
Friday, March 31, 2017

Nuts/Bolts - Week of 4/3/17

- RISE Cards - Give 6 Daily! - Focus on positive students!
Supervision Team A - Please be on time to duty & write it into sub-plans
Admin Referral - Please see the updated flowchart 
- Sign CICO Forms Daily! - Remind students!
MTSS - Document interventions in this shared space

Monday, 4/3 - Homeroom Lesson 8, Part 2
Tuesday, 4/4 - 
Wednesday, 4/5 - Tie Dye Day, PLC = Vertical Teams, 5-8pm REACH Foundation MS Track 
                            Meet @YLHS
Thursday, 4/6 - Open House 6:30-7:15pm
Friday, 4/7 - End of 3rd Qtr. Positive Behavior Reward / Minimum Day Schedule

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