
Friday, January 27, 2017

Shout Out! - Suzanne Borgese & Eric Plunkett

Suzanne continues to discover ways to support all learners. Her morning math study sessions have increased scores on Math Quizzes. She continues to demonstrate leadership as a member of 2 state level committees on credentialing and as an active consulting teacher as part of the district's induction program. We're hopeful our nominations earn her a "Teacher of the Year" recognition from the district! 

Eric has facilitated 2 great trainings for staff on Illuminate assessments. We appreciate the extra time and energy he has put into supporting the adoption of this new platform. In addition to that, he keeps kids engaged and entertained in the classroom, is Math Department Head, 6th grade horizontal lead, is finishing his Master's degree, and still finds time to assist staff with technology. Thanks Eric! 

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