
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Nuts/Bolts - Week of 4/18/16

4th Qtr. PRIDE Card - Distribute 1st Period 4/18

End of 3rd Qtr. = End of ZAP and CICO:
Funds were budgeted to cover the supervision of these 2 support programs for 2nd and 3rd Qtr. If you feel strongly that we need to allocate more to run these interventions year long, provide that feedback on our LCAP Input Boards Focus Area 1.0

4/19: Spirit Week - College Dress Up, 3rd Qtr. Grades due by 12pm, Open House 6-7pm. 
4/20: Spirit Week - Look Alike Day, Horizontal PLC (Thank You card to PTA for Pride Day by each team??)
4/21: Spirit Week - Decades Day, Teachers Got Talent Meeting 3:35-4pm - Mike's Office - Planning our PTA Talent Show act.
4/22: SPECIAL SCHEDULE, Spirit Week - ER Day, Earthquake Drill - FULL Simulation (Reminders/Details Forthcoming)